Bulk Kava Vanuatu 5KG Pack



Kava Vanuatu is a combination of 5-6-year-old roots. It’s potent, slightly bitter with a hint of pepper. From the islands of Tanna, an Island in Vanuatu’s best known strongest Kava, with high Kavalactone content. 100% Sun dried.

From our expert reviewer friend, Mr J. Price, ” This kava is special. It’s one of those kavas that slaps you in the face, then spends the next hours apologizing and comforting you. I’ve been mixing it 50/50 with weaker roots as this kava is that strong.

It’s a lactone laden heavy kava that still has the kavain kick with a quite prominent anti-depressant quality. I find myself smiling while going to sleep with my eyes closed.

The taste of kava is something to me that I just have to get through quickly. It’s pungent, earthy, and bitter. Medium to thick body, and brews up chocolate dark.

It kicks in quickly. 3-5 minutes to begin to feel that kavain. It then ramps up the intensity for the duration of the time, leaving you totally relaxed and thinking dearly about the bed. It seems to have an uplifting effect in terms of mood. Just an all-around good kava. When you try this one, get a bag of Lewena as well and try mixing them to find the perfect ratio”.

Additional information

Weight 11 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

1LB, 11LB Bulk, 2LB Gold Pack